Thursday, January 13

PlumHoney BBQ Wings

This PlumHoney BBQ Wing recipe was a hit by all the family members! First place desired amount of chicken wings in a large glass casserole dish. Then season chicken with Kosher salt, Garlic Salt, and Cayenne Pepper.

Place the chicken aside and prepare the BBQ sauce. Combine ketchup, worcestershire sauce, PlumHoney, lemon juice, cornstarch, garlic salt, and dijon mustard in medium sauce pan. Stir together over medium heat for about 2-3 minutes.

After sauce is completed, spread evenly over all seasoned chicken.

Bake at 425 degrees. Place chicken in oven for 30 minutes. Half way through turn chicken over. Serve and enjoy!


Chicken Seasonings-

1 Tablespoon of Kosher Salt
1 Tablespoon of Garlic Salt
2 Teaspoons of Cayenne Pepper

PlumHoney Barbecue Sauce-
2 Cups of ketchup
1 Cup of PlumHoney
8 Tablespoons of lemon juice
4 Teaspoons of cornstarch
2 Teaspoons of garlic salt
2 Tablespoons of worcestershire sauce
2 Tablespoons of dijon mustard.

Serves 8 people


  1. Another yummy sounding recipe.

    I couldn't find it on your company web site, what is the shelf life of your honey?

    Stef at

  2. Making this tonight, can't wait!!

  3. I'm so glad that you tried it! How did you like it?!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
